Overall Framework 

Benefits and Challenges of Climate Projects

Potential Income for Local Governments from Climate Projects (partial extract)

Examples of Key Actors in the Climate Ecosystem and their Roles (partial extract)

Potential Local Government Actions (partial extract)

Possible Funding Mechanisms and Contract Types (partial extract)

Contract Options
LGs must consider the full range of contracts needed to develop and operate Climate Projects, leveraging private sector expertise and capital:

→ Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Insome cases, the LG may contract a private sector company to deliver the service. This approach does not require the establishment of a separatelegal entity. In some cases, the private company uses its own balance sheet toraise debt to fund the project.

→ Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) contracts: To construct complex infrastructure used by a Climate Project (such as Waste-toEnergy Projects), an EPC Contract between the LG and the contractor pays the contractor to deliver a complete contract for a fixed price by a fixed date, reducing the risk of cost overruns and non performing technology.

Financing models, advantages and disadvantages (partial extract)

Roadmap of Local Government Action Steps for Implementing Climate Projects (partial extract)

Enabling factors that Local Governments can adopt to unlock access to finance (partial extract)

Enabling factors that National Governments can adopt to unlock access to finance (partial extract)

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GlobalDF Spotlight

GlobalDF develops Compendium of Private Sector Proposals for Addis Ababa FfD Conference

In support of the business steering committee of Financing for Development (FfD), GlobalDF facilitated the preparation of the Business Sector Steering Committee’s proposals to UN Member States.

GlobalDF sets forth country finance solutions at the Addis Ababa FfD Conference

In collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Swedish government, and the Mexican Government, GlobalDF convened the side event “The New Financing Framework for Sustainable Development: How to Create Investment Opportunities at Scale?”

GlobalDF develops the World Bank’s City Creditworthiness Self-Assessment & PlanningToolkit

Given the need for cities to access finance, GlobalDF was engaged by the World Bank with support from the Rockefeller Foundation to develop an assessment and planning tool for local governments to improve their creditworthiness.

GlobalDF co-creates “Unlocking Actions to Mobilize Institutional Investment in Africa Infrastructure”

Given the urgent need to mobilize institutional investment in Africa’s infrastructure, the report sets forth critical unlocking actions that can be implemented immediately by institutional investors and host governments.

GlobalDF co-creates the “Benchmark for Investing in African Infrastructure Project Development”

Given the urgent need to mobilize finance for the development of bankable projects in Africa, unlocking actions have been benchmarked by GlobalDF based on surveys of project developers and investors.

GlobalDF advises G-20 leadership at the UN

Given the need for more effective infrastructure for development, GlobalDF presented recommendations to the Saudi leadership at the 2019 G20 Development Working Group Workshop.

Tools & Partners

Government-Investor Networks (GINs)

INFRADEV: Mitigating the Risks of Infrastructure Investment

Excel Tool to Assess Financial Needs

Short-Hand Tool to Assess Project Funding Sources

Training Modules for Financing Projects

Processes for Developing Bankable Project Pipelines

Finance Roadmaps for Climate Projects