Given the urgent need for job creation in Africa, GlobalDF was engaged by GIZ to create the PIDA Job Creation Toolkit to optimize job creation resulting from infrastructure projects for the African Union Development Agency NEPAD (AUDA NEPAD) with the support of GIZ. The objective of the Toolkit is to increase the capacity of African governments, development partners, and the private sector to maximize the number and quality of African jobs in their design of African infrastructure projects. For AUDA NEPAD’s outlook on potential jobs created through African infrastructure based on their use of the Toolkit, click here.
Based on best practices using input-output tables, the PIDA Job Creation Toolkit methodology estimates direct, indirect and induced labor market effects during the planning, construction, and operation & maintenance phases of infrastructure projects. In addition, the methodology estimates secondary job effects, which are those jobs that are being created in other sectors of the economy due to the operational infrastructure service provided (e.g., improved energy access, improved transport, etc.). For more information on the Toolkit, please click here.